User Information

  • User Info
  • UX Feedback
  • Overall feedback
User Information
Level of hardware familiarity
Which smartphone platform did you test on?
Which system did you test?
Which model did you test?
Which part did you replace?
Did you have the recommended tools?
Did you replace part successfully?
User Experience related questions
On a 1-5 scale (1 being lowest) - How easy was the experience?
On a 1-5 scale (1 being lowest) - Please rate the downloading process
On a 1-5 scale (1 being lowest) - Please rate the User Interface?
On a 1-5 scale (1 being lowest) - Please rate the step-by-step sequences.
On a 1-5 scale (1 being lowest) - Please rate the quality of augmented information.
On a 1-5 scale (1 being lowest) - Please rate the AR Assistant's robustness
Were you able to easily lock the AR halo to the target?
Was the AR button useful to troubleshoot AR locking?
Were you able to zoom and move the camera around?
Do you think the support videos were useful?
Overall feedback
If you wish -please feel free to share files (images, videos, pdf, etc.)

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