What does millimeter accuracy of the AR Assistant mean? Every screw, every latch, every cable, connector, tape and part is super imposed exactly on the computer system complete with infographics and animations. That means the directions and instructions leave no room for human error. It takes the guesswork out and points specifically at the part in question, even in a crowded component layout. Complex configurations of a server, laptop or desktop are no more a concern for the lay person. The simple step-by-step AR instructions are all they have to follow making it a perfect DIY tool. What is remarkable is that Dell’s customers and technicians do NOT need an expensive headgear to use this tool. No AR glasses necessary. The Dell AR Assistant is designed to work with the tool that the whole world carries – the phone.

Cool technologies that are ubiquitous and easy to use have instant impact on businesses and their customers.

Contact Kaalo to learn more. [email protected]; 805.630.8267

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