While Microsoft has secured a coveted government contract, Apple is focusing on the private sector. Apple has dabbled in augmented reality for two decades...
Imagine AR tech applied to Right to Repair. You can see step-by-step instructions, not in a 2-D manual, but projected onto the device you're repairing.
AR removes barriers to right to repair. It's user-friendly, intuitive and disposes of anxiety about opening complex electronics and fixing them ourselves.
Every workplace requires education. Training with augmented reality (AR) can enhance that, helping employees learn faster, more safely and at lower costs.
Augmented reality has all sorts of applications for driving directions, shopping, healthcare and instructions for how to replace your laptop's battery. Industry giants like Amazon, Facebook, General Electric, Mayo Clinic and the U.S. Navy are already using AR for a...
Augmented reality (AR), the technology that superimposes digital information on a real-world environment, will change the way we shop for everything from laptops to furniture to shoes. Several big companies are working on this and have rolled out their own...
Most people are familiar with virtual reality, which generates an entirely computer-generated environment. But "augmented reality" (AR) isn't as familiar to the general public, though many of us use it on a regular basis.