Kaalo & Smart Homes
Kaalo & Smart Homes
Meet SMASH, Subdivision Management and Smart Homes, from Forbes Technosys. Kaalo designed the technology that controls electronics and appliances.
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augmented reality for service departments
Augmented Reality for Service Departments
Augmented reality (AR) can reduce response and service time, saving money for the manufacturer and reducing disrupted service time for the customer.
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taking technology to the underserved
Taking Technology to the Under-Served
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How do you create a digital experience for people who have never used computerized services before? Designing a user experience for a population with literacy, language and technology barriers is formidable
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Vasp Face Recognition
Kaalo & Facial Recognition
VASP: Verification, Authentication, Security & Productivity No more long security lines, badges, awkward frisking or time wasted on daily security protocols. Kaalo is proud to partner with Forbes Technosys to launch VASP. Its facial recognition saves time and money and...
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