AR Smartphones vs Headsets Graph

Recently, there’s been an industry push for innovation in augmented reality to create more user-friendly interactions. While AR entertainment applications like Pokémon Go have enjoyed great success, AR tools have yet to be developed that could solve some of the problems for which it is well-suited — making things like GPS walking directions, fixing an appliance or shopping safer and more efficient. What is holding AR back?

The Impracticality of AR Headsets

A hands-free option (like a wearable headset) seems like the best option. But unfortunately, after many years of research and development by a multitude of companies, AR headset technology is still complex and cost-prohibitive, keeping it impractical for widespread use. According to Ben Kuchera, everything from price to complicated cables to the way they can mess up your hair keeps the general population from warming to the VR/AR headset concept. AR headsets are still a long way away from being lightweight, cable-less and affordable. But, the AR technology is there.

Smartphones’ Prevalence Makes Them Perfect for AR.

Most adults already carry smartphones. A recent census notes that 84 percent of households have at least one smartphone. As a realistic avenue for disseminating augmented reality, companies have been focusing on beefing up the AR capabilities of their phones. The goal is a highly sophisticated AR experience delivered through a device we already own, making the technology ubiquitous and accessible around the world. AR applications can project walking directions, instructions for fixing a laptop or information on a new product right onto the object or image through the phone.

This is why Kaalo is focusing on AR solutions for iOS and Android devices and has become the preferred partner for several large Fortune 500 companies. Kaalo‘s team of industrial designers, mechanical engineers, UI/UX experts and software developers create augmented reality experiences that function seamlessly with millimeter accuracy — an experience that can be easily delivered to devices most people already own. Experience it first-hand here.